
MERN Stack Developer

Greetings! I'm Upendra Kumar, an ardent MERN Stack Maestro from the enchanting city of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India. I breathe life into web experiences, creating digital wonders with flair and precision. Let's turn ideas into exceptional realities!

Picture of Mine
Proud Feeling Image

About me

A dedicated MERN stack developer based in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh.

As a seasoned MERN Stack Developer, I wield mastery in JavaScript, ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, MySQL, and SCSS. Crafting responsive websites with dynamic interfaces is my forte. Beyond the MERN stack, my skills extend to Git, GitHub, and problem-solving with a foundation in Data Structures and Algorithms. Proficient in clean and optimized code, I utilize cutting-edge tools to deliver exceptional web applications. A collaborative problem-solver, I thrive in cross-functional teams, consistently achieving outstanding results.


Coding, designing, innovating – a digital skill medley.

  • Icon of MySQL
  • Icon of Nextjs
  • Icon of MongoDB
  • Icon of ExpressJS
  • Icon of ReactJS
  • Icon of NodeJS
  • Icon of NodeJS
  • Icon of HTML
  • Icon of CSS
  • Icon of Pug
  • Icon of Java
  • Icon of JavaScript
  • Icon of Git
  • Icon of Github
  • Icon of Sass
  • Icon of Python
  • Icon of Postman
  • Icon of VSCode
  • Icon of Android Studio
  • Icon of Flutter
  • Icon of PowerShell


A Showcase of Vision and Execution in My Projects

Image of Flavor Corner Project

Flavor Corner

Savor a symphony of flavors on my website, a fusion of culinary creativity. Crafted with React, Sass, Node, and MongoDB, it celebrates diverse tastes—locally crafted and globally sourced via API. A gastronomic journey, elegantly responsive, connecting palates worldwide.

  • ReactJS
  • SASS
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB

The Loser's Club

Embarking on career journeys, my "Pay After Placement" website, crafted with HTML, CSS, and JS, ensures a seamless blend of innovation and reliability. Fully responsive, it paves the way for success, echoing the commitment to financial ease in career advancement.

  • HTML
  • CSS
Image of The Loser's Club Project
Image of Cricket Fever Project

Cricket Fever

Dynamically curated with ReactJS, NodeJS, and APIs, my cricket-centric website unfolds a real-time symphony of global matches. Its responsive design ensures an immersive experience, keeping enthusiasts tuned in to live cricket updates anytime, anywhere.

  • React
  • CSS
  • NodeJS
  • Api

Note Taker

Welcome to Note Taker, a feature-rich web application crafted with the dynamic MERN stack. Elevate your note-taking experience with our platform's multi-functionality, enabling you to effortlessly create, update, and share notes. Our user-friendly interface ensures intuitive interactions, while the robust authentication and authorization system guarantees the security of your valuable insights.

  • ReactJS
  • MongoDB
  • CSS
  • NodeJS
Image of Note Taker Project
Image of Portfolio Version 1st Project

Portfolio V1

Portfolio version 1, Created with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The vintage charm of my previous website resonates in its responsive design, seamlessly adapting to diverse devices. Infused with captivating CSS styles, it transformed pixels into a visually stunning experience, encapsulating the essence of my digital craftsmanship.

  • HTML
  • CSS


Hit me up, spills? Nah. Thrills? Absolutely!

NodeJS Icon
ReactJS Icon
ExpressJS Icon
MongoDB Icon
MySQL Icon
HTML 5 Icon
CSS 3 Icon
Java Icon
JavaScript Icon
Android Icon
Flutter Icon
git Icon
Github Icon
Nestjs Icon
Postman Icon
Python Icon
Pug Icon
PowerShell Icon
vscode Icon